Sammode PAULI 1 HT80 tubular luminaire: a lighting solution for kitchen hoods


Sammode PAULI 1 HT80 tubular luminaire: a lighting solution for kitchen hoods
Saturday, February 1, 2014Description :
A specialist in lighting solutions for harsh environments, SAMMODE is launching PAULI 1 HT 80, a range of tubular luminaires specifically designed to meet the technical requirements of lighting in high temperature environments.

With a proven design, this product, equipped with traditional T8 fluorescent tubes, can provide lighting solutions up to + 80 ° C ambient temperature.

Its various components, selected in our laboratories to resist high temperatures, its waterproofness and its mechanical strength make it a recommended luminaire for heavy industries (iron and steel industry, glassworks ...) as well as for common boiler installations, kitchen hoods or Drying tunnels.

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