Diversity and wealth, Vescom's new vinyl recordings


Diversity and wealth, Vescom's new vinyl recordings
Thursday, December 1, 2016Description :

Two new designs - Cantin and Kilby - and new color palettes for the Trinity and Detroit qualities. With these innovations, Vescom offers an exciting collection of diversity, structure and richness of materials. A significant addition to the collection! Original structure Cantin's original structure suggests depth and 3D effect. The affirmed relief associated with the 12 metallic colors gives a feeling of luxury and gives even more life to the wall covering. The counterpart of the design Cantin more asserted is the design Kilby, sober and usable in all kinds of situations.

The textile structure with flat ribs and the touch evoking the linen provides a convivial appearance. The wide range of colors (31 colors) is varied and includes light and fresh tones, natural but also current, such as saffron, coral red, denim blue and new aqua and green hues. Vertical stripes with a multicolored striped pattern and Irregular shape give Trinity an exciting and rich appearance.

The sober and dark colors of the previous Trinity give way to clearer, more assertive color combinations (19 colors), such as turquoise / aqua, aubergine, mauve and warm gray. Detroit is made from 25 new plain colors, Inspired by Japanese and Scandinavian paper colors.

The fine embossing on the whole surface makes the wall alive and tactile, without being too present. Detroit can be used easily thanks to the rage offers natural hues and white. Vinyl wallcoveringVescom vinyl wallcoverings are particularly strong, hygienic, durable, unalterable and undecorable. Scratch-resistant and impact-resistant, they are seamless and easy to maintain. Providing better protection against stains and chemicals, our vinyl wallcoverings are available with Vescom Protect.

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