The OMNITEC Rent & Pass app has been developed for access management in all establishments that do not require server software such as Os Access or SmartPass, owing to their size. Small hotels, hotels without a 24-hour Reception, rural tourism accommodation, boutique hotels, etc. You will find the management and maintenance tool in Rent&Pass that best suits your business; offering remote management from a Smartphone or tablet.
Electronic Key
Sending electronic keys via an app anywhere and anytime.
Numerical Access Code
Opening via numerical code without installing an app.
Real-Time Management
Remote cancellation, blocking and deleting keys sent at any time.
Auditable Access
Access logging for each lock and user.
Access Code Management
Code with custom properties, it can be deleted at any time.
Alert Function
Notification of alerts in real time, security and protection.
Security and Control
Rent&Pass lets the owner and hotel staff send the guest electronic keys and numerical codes to access the hotel, the room, the garage and any other room equipped with an OMNITEC Bluetooth access control. With Rent&Pass you can cancel and delete Bluetooth keys and numeric codes at any time from the app with administration permissions. Rent&Pass incorporates notifications to the hotel when the guest opens any device.
Simple Procedures, Satisfied Guests
With Rent&Pass, your arrival time and unexpected delays no longer matter. Before starting their trip, guests receive the following on their Smartphone: electronic key and/or access codes for locks, access control for the main hotel entrance, as well as their room, garage and any other area equipped with an access control system.
Access Management APP Rent&Pass