Robot-Coupe C120 Automatic Sieves : #THEsolution for large quantities

InfoWeb Marketplace

Friday, November 17, 2023Description :
#THEsolution Discover the C 120 Automatic Sieve. Large-scale production kitchens, institutions, central kitchens, caterers and even small companies in the agri-food industry require dedicated machines! Robot-Coupe has been meeting their needs since 1961. Our multi-purpose, heavy duty, C 120 Automatic Sieve is designed to make fruit coulis and pulp, vegetable mousse, stock, fish soups, etc. by separating seeds, stones, fibres and shells without grinding them. The continuous feed system makes it easy to use and a great time saver, especially for homemade dishes. Up to 120 KG in 60 min! Discover our C120 Automatic Sieves on:'quantity%5B%5D=more-1200-cutleries @RobotCoupeOfficialChannel

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