IssuDOM: the new range of panic bars that combine design and safety for public facilities (E.R.P


IssuDOM: the new range of panic bars that combine design and safety for public facilities (E.R.P
Wednesday, September 10, 2014Description :
In Establishments Receiving Public (E.R.P), one of the obligations relating to the protection of persons in the event of fire is to ensure their evacuation. To achieve this, doors must be able to open from the inside simply by pushing or by the easy maneuver of one device per leaf.

With issuDOM, DOM innovates and proposes a complete range of anti-panic that combines design and security.

A safe and aesthetic answer to emergency exits

Complete, the new range of anti-panic DOM consists of 1, 2 or 3-point locks available in cross-bar version (bar tilting) and touch-bars (bar of pressure). As standard, they are certified EN1125: 2008 in grade 7, the highest, with successful endurance tests on more than 200,000 opening / closing cycles.

In order to meet all the needs, the panic bars of the issuDOM range adapt to the emergency and communication traffic doors of aluminum, steel, wood and PVC.

Fitted with small chests, the small footprint offers more free passage, they are easily installed on narrow profiles. Reversible without disassembly, their symmetrical mechanism allows to pass from a right hand to a left hand.

Performance, the panic bars issuDOM are also aesthetic. Their design designed by the DOM design office allows them to integrate into all architectural projects. Available in monochromatic (white, black, aluminum) or two-tone colors (aluminum + red, green, anise green or other RAL colors on request), they play the discretion to preserve the interior atmosphere of all buildings.

And to offer the prescribers a global response, the issuDOM range includes a fire extinguisher for semi-fixed wings, external maneuvering with half-cylinder profile European standard 40 mm with button and removable anti-vandalism stand, adaptation.

An adaptation kit

Another asset of the range issuDOM is its kit of adaptation to external maneuvers. Universal, it allows to change an anti-panic cross-bar lock while keeping the button or the outside stand. Composed of a steel plate and three different squares, it is compatible with many outdoor maneuvers installed on the market.

Thanks to this adaptation kit, the installation templates supplied for each model and the possibility to cut and adjust the bars and the rods, the issuDOM range is easy to install.

With its new range of anti-panic issuDOM, DOM meets the expectations of architects who wish to reconcile compliance with safety standards and aesthetic harmony of their achievements.

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