Casala circular re use of household waste HD1080


Saturday, August 15, 2020Description :
In close cooperation with Der Grüne Punkt, Casala has produced chairs whose seat and back are made from 100% recycled plastic household waste. The frames of the Curvy Circular chairs are made of steel with the maxi- mum acceptable recycled content and are finished with sustainable Chrome III. The result: a high quality and sustainably designed chair with a strong frame and shell parts made of 100% recycled plastic! For both Der Grüne Punkt and Casala, the production of the Curvy Circular chairs is an important project given the demands placed on technique, quality and innovation. The production of Curvy Circular chairs underlines the application possibilities and the trend towards more use of additive-free recy- cled plastics. For Casala, the Curvy Circular chair gives a new dimen- sion to our philosophy: ?Design linked to Functionality’. More info about Casala's Circular activities: Read the case study:

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