Specialists in the purifier market With a wealth of experience in the air purifier and surface freshener market, she has chosen to take control of her destiny. It ensures the development in France of HYLA products whose range offers today the best quality / price ratio in this sector of activity. Its approach is to propose, within the framework of the home sale with the private individuals but also with the professionals, a superior quality in marketing to those that can be found in sedentary sales.In fact, if the home sale suffers from an image deficit often linked to a lack of transparency and respect commitments Isabelle wished to restore confidence and put all the assets on his side. It supports its approach on a great rigor, on recruitments, sales processes and a quality of products and services in all irreproachable points. For nearly 7 years, the 8000 customers of the mark HYLA are the beneficiaries of this method. success was immediately at the rendezvous. The market for "air purifiers" is expanding largely thanks to its action.Isabelle and the Hyla brand actively participate in the now unavoidable fight against environmental pollution.